It is with great joy that St Mary's will be resuming masses, confessions, office hours and private prayer time.
While the dispensation of attending Sunday & Holy Day obligations is still in effect, for those that want to celebrate the mass in person and receive the Eucharist we will be holding the full schedule of mass starting this Sat Jun 13 at 5pm. We will also be holding regular confessions starting this Sat as well, 4-4:45, in the Cry Room. Please read through the following for schedules, important details, and requirements. Once we begin we may have to tweak protocols as we put theory into practice, any major changes will be communicated on the Facebook pages; St Mary's CCD & Saint Mary's Denville, parish website and emails. Continue to read the weekly bulletin, on-line, as well.
As we continue to work towards a safer and healthy environment, we are keenly aware of the toll these past 3 months has taken on us mentally, spiritually, physically and especially financially. If any one has food insecurities please contact the CCD office by return email, the parish rectory at 973-627-0269 or our Community Outreach Ministry at 973-627-3867. We have received a generous food donation (boxed, bottled and canned goods, some baby cereals and veggies, no fresh food or dairy). All Inquiries will be kept confidential.